
November 28, 2023

NMCC商学院学生Jalen Lucas向与会者讲述了他从家乡搬到缅因州北部的经历, Trinidad & 多巴哥,以及他如何受到学院和基金会的影响.

Presque Isle – On the evening of Thursday, November 16, 2023, the NMCC Foundation hosted its Annual Dinner, highlighting this year’s theme, “Making Way for Greatness.晚会以基金会董事会会议开始,随后是社交时间,客人们可以参观展示各种项目最新技术的学生展览. During the fiscal year celebrated by the event, the NMCC Foundation awarded more than $135,000 in student scholarships.

During the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors, held just prior to the dinner, 董事会主席Ryan Bushey对新任董事会主席表示欢迎, Gina LeBlanc-Eggert of Versant Power in Presque Isle. In completing his second and final year as Chair, 布什曾作为副主席与勒布朗-埃格特密切合作. LeBlanc-Eggert被提名委员会选为主席职位的最佳候选人. 董事会一致投票支持勒布朗-埃格特,他的任期将于12月20日开始th board meeting. 她将得到MMG保险公司新任副主席托尼·勒西的支持, who joined the board in January of 2023.

董事会认可了Frank Martin Sons Inc .的Steve Ouellette. 在肯特堡任职的九年里,他达到了连续任期的上限. 在2024年,Ouellette将以无投票权成员的身份退休.

The board also voted in one new director, Daigle Oil Chief Operating Officer Carter Vaillancourt, who will fill Ouellette’s vacant seat. Vaillancourt在肯特堡工作和生活,对圣. John Valley.

Griffin Goins, dean of development and public affairs, as well as the executive director of the NMCC foundation, opened the evening with an introduction to the year’s theme, stating, “When we talk about greatness in Aroostook County, we’re not talking about NMCC, but the greatness of this community, 以及我们每天看到的把未来托付给学院的学生们.”

NMCC主席Timothy Crowley向观众介绍了校园内的最新项目, 包括即将动工的新托儿中心, 以及联邦国会直接支出(CDS)项目的状况, totaling $4.8 million between the years 2022 and 2023. 克劳利总统庆祝11月的机械化伐木工人毕业典礼, for the first time in the program’s history, also received their CDL Class-A licenses. 他还谈到了与缅因州海事学院的合作伙伴关系,以培训缅因州的海上风电劳动力,以满足未来的需求. 克劳利对阿鲁斯托克县的州代表团表示感谢, and national delegation, for making these innovative projects possible.

mg游戏试玩主席Ryan Bushey谈到了基金会在过去12个月里取得的非凡成就, including raising more than $314,000 in donations. During his remarks, 布什宣布了新设立的保拉·米肖纪念奖学金的捐赠, which received the final necessary donation to surpass the $10,000 endowment level the day of the event.

学生们上台演讲,讲述了他们的学术之旅,以及mg游戏试玩如何影响了他们的生活. The first speaker, Alexis Smith, described her family’s move from rural Mississippi, 以及自从搬到阿鲁斯托克县并进入NMCC后,她的生活发生了多大的变化.

Water Treatment Technology senior Kenny Jandreau, 一个非传统的学生,在工作多年后回到大学, described how his relationship with the woods, through fishing and hunting in his childhood, led him to pursue a career in protecting natural resources. Finally, 国际学生贾伦·卢卡斯讲述了他从祖国搬到普莱斯克岛的故事, Trinidad and Tobago, 以及他对通过大学获得机会的感激之情.

基金会向Stephanie Beaulieu颁发了今年的新捐赠奖学金, 以表彰她为纪念已故父亲而设立的菲尔兹·雷蒂纪念奖学金, Lee Scott Fields Sr.

来自康涅狄格州的两位匿名捐赠者因其对风力发电技术项目的贡献获得了今年的杰出捐助者奖, 设立风能奖学金——一种支持风能专业学生的直通奖学金——和一项20美元的奖学金,000美元的捐款,用于制作宣传产品,以支持更广泛的受众.

The Foundation’s most prestigious honor, the Eagle Award, 即将离任的董事会主席Ryan Bushey为推动LD 1988所做的不懈努力, 8月份通过的一项法案提供了100万美元,用于在NMCC校园建立新的托儿中心.

基金会晚宴每年11月举行,传统上是在感恩节前的星期四. For more information on the NMCC Foundation, please visit thestudioentrance.com. 


在11月16日的年度晚宴上,mg游戏试玩向即将离任的董事会主席Ryan Bushey(左)颁发了今年的鹰奖. 该奖项由基金会执行董事Griffin Goins(右)宣布。.

NMCC Water Treatment Technology senior Kenny Jandreau, 一个非传统的学生,在工作多年后回到大学, describes how his relationship with the woods, through fishing and hunting in his childhood, led him to pursue a career path protecting natural resources.

NMCC liberal studies freshman Alexis Smith, who is completing her nursing pre-requisites, described why her family moved to Maine from Mississippi, and how she’s found a home at the College and in the community.


About The NMCC Foundation: mg游戏试玩是一个501(c)(3)非营利组织,旨在支持mg游戏平台通过教育和培训改变社区学生的生活. 在2022-2023学年,该基金会发放了超过13.5万美元的奖学金. 基金会由董事会管理,其任务是维护道德和财务责任的最高标准. 关于mg游戏试玩的更多信息可以在NMCC上找到.或致电(207)768-2809或发送电子邮件至nggoins@nmcc与执行董事Griffin Goins联系.edu.